Wednesday 27 September 2017

What Are The Benefits Of General Dentistry?

General Dentistry

General dentistry includes all types of oral care. It begins with dental examination which then leads to dental cleanings and any other treatment that may be necessary to keep up with your oral health. So it follows that general dentistry means preventive care. As we all know, prevention is better than cure. Several benefits of general dentistry are apparent.

But what does general dentistry involve? General dentistry is a comprehensive term that includes all kinds of basic oral care. Dental exams including x-rays, dental cleaning, fillings and tooth decay prevention, root canals, crowns and bridges, tooth extractions, implants and bonding are all part of general dentistry. As we mentioned, general dentistry starts with a dental exam. Usually the first thing that the dentist orders after the examination is dental cleanings. Cleaning the teeth of plaque and tartar ensures that your teeth and gums remain healthy.

General dentistry allows your doctor to identify any oral health issues that may cause problems in the future. Treatment, if necessary can be started early so that the problem doesn't get out of hand. This is the most important benefit of general dentistry.

Dentists recommend an oral exam every six months to catch problems early. During a dental examination, your doctor will look for signs of tooth decay and other gum related issues that may pose a threat. Cleaning of teeth is also recommended every six months. This too is like an exam where the doctor checks your teeth and clears the plaque build up which, if left unattended can be a source of swelling of the gums and discomfort.

During the oral examination, x-rays may reveal the onset of tooth decay. To save the tooth from further damage, the doctor may recommend fillings and sealants. This is a benefit of general dentistry that comes from preventive care. The tooth is saved and the patient is saved from the trauma of a tooth extraction that might have become necessary in future.

Apart from maintaining your oral health, Professional General Dentistry offers other indirect benefits as well. Regular oral check-ups ensure that your dental expenses are under control. By taking care of potential problems early, you are saving money on future expensive dental treatments. Also, you retain your original set of teeth with a simple flossing and brushing routine for a longer time.

Dental clean ups leave your teeth looking clean and bright, another cosmetic benefit of general dentistry. A good set of teeth leads to a brilliant smile which in turn boosts your confidence. And, of course, you have no fear of major oral disease like oral cancer or gum disease because the symptoms are caught on early and treated effectively.

For more information on general dentistry or Children Lip Tie Release treatment, log on to Integrity Dental is the leading dental care clinic in Australia that offers all types of treatments to maintain your oral health.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Laser Dentistry: An Innovative and Modern Dental Practice

Laser Dentistry
As digital technology advances, laser application has become the trend in modern dental practices. The Laser is a modern and innovative tool in the hands of a qualified dentist. The term LASER stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. Lasers deliver energy in the form of light which allows for specificity in the treatment. Use of the laser in dentistry increases the efficiency, ease and comfort of the treatment.

Laser application is of two types, namely, hard tissue application and soft tissue application. A laser can be used in hard tissue application for the prevention of dental caries, bleaching, removal and curing, preparation of cavities, addressing dentine or bone hypersensitivity, growth modulation and for the purpose of diagnostics. The soft tissue applications include wound healing, removal of damaged tissue, uncovering of partially erupted teeth or impacted teeth treating oral cancers, re-conturing of crowns and frenectomies.

Lasers used in dental treatment or surgeries act as a cutting instrument. The intensely focussed light energy interacts with some of the biologic tissues to cut or open the surface of the tooth. It also acts as vaporiser of tissues making removal of dead or damaged tissue much easier. As compared to the practice of dental drilling, the use of lasers in dental treatments cause less pain, thus reducing the need for an anaesthetic. It reduces the anxiety in patients who have a fear of dental drills making the experience much more comfortable. Laser use minimises the bleeding and swelling of the treated area, thus causing less discomfort to the patient.

In laser assisted root canal treatment, the doctor can access the root canal of the tooth, remove the damaged or infected pulp, clean the internal area, fill and seal it. The tooth is restored by fitting a cap or crown so that the patient goes back to use the tooth in the normal manner.

The advantage of laser technology in dentistry is that it targets bacteria or infected tissue with better accuracy. As a result, it preserves a larger portion of the healthy tooth structure which is good for the patient. There is no discomfort associated with the jarring sounds of the drill and there is much less bleeding during the procedure. All this reduces the chance of infection, adds to the patient comfort and makes for an easier surgery.

Professional Laser Dentistry makes for an innovative dental practice although some precautions must be taken. Protective eyewear is crucial for the doctor, the chair side assistants as well as the patient during a laser dental procedure.

Integrity Dental in Australia offers the revolutionary Biolase Laser Technology for pain free and comfortable dental treatments. With this revolutionary laser assisted technology, the clinic offers the highest level of service and care to its patients. Visit for an appointment or information on the different Dentistry Dural NSW.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Benefits Of Having A Dental Hygienist In Your Practice

Dental Hygienist

Here's why it is always preferable to visit a dental clinic where they have a dental hygienist in their practice:

While most of us tend to have a reasonably great set of teeth (even though a couple of teeth may be missing), having the teeth scrutinised by a dental hygienist in their practice like having routine inspection-cum-maintenance work done. This ensures that your teeth continue to not only look great but actually be great.

A dental hygienist in their practice basically checks the patients teeth for gun disease, trapped food deposits, teeth discolorations, bleeding in the gums and other gum diseases and general teeth sensitivity.

The sad fact is that most of us tend to rush to a dentist only when we notice or feel something has gone wrong with a tooth or our teeth. Routine inspection and maintenance on the other ensures that action is taken before the onset of potential problems.

A dental hygienist in their practice will examine your entire mouth first checking and testing the gums for signs of infection, inflammation and bleeding. Most folks won't even notice if there is a slight bleeding in the gums but your dental hygienist at the practice is sure to notice it and recommend a corrective course.

The main cause of bad breath is food rotting in the mouth and this happens because food can get trapped between teeth of in cavities. A routine examination in the bathroom mirror will probably not reveal this but your dental hygienist with his dental mirrors will find it, clean the place and recommend a corrective course. This will take care of a serious problem that some of us did not even know existed.

One of the reasons our teeth get discoloured is because of dental plague build-up. Your dental hygienist at the practice will use a dental plague removing tool to remove the plague and your teeth will shine again or not, in which case he might recommend teeth whitening.

Your dental hygienist at the practice will also screen you for an signs of oral cancer. In fact, he is the first line of defence against oral cancer. Most folks are not aware that oral cancer is actually curable provided it is detected early and the right person to do this for you is your dental hygienist at the practice.

Often times we do not know some of teeth (especially the ones at the back) have a problem because we cannot see them in the bathroom mirror. Examination by your dental hygienist on the other hand will reveal any hidden problems and he will recommend a course of action.

Once your teeth have been examined by the Dental Hygienist at the practice, you can now go forth in the secure knowledge you have nothing to worry about – at least for the next six months. Also, you can now visit any dental hygienist at any clinic – you don't necessarily have to be a patient there.

Finally, if you are living in and around Baulkham Hills then you are in luck because it has one of the best Dental Implants Dural in all of Australia; Integrity Dental

Monday 28 August 2017

Choose The Right Services Of Cosmetic Dentistry In Baulkham Hills

Cosmetic Dentistry

The first thing a person notices when they see you are your eyes and your smile. While the eyes it is said, is the window to our character your smile as defined by your teeth warms the heart. It is little wonder that many of us change the colour of our eyes (by using contacts), and also do our best to improve our teeth.

Fortunately for us, these days with a variety of dental treatments available, you can get done anything from subtle changes to major cosmetic upgrade. You can now obtain that as-good-as-new set of perfect teeth and with it, a million dollar smile.

So where does one go for that million dollar smile? There are numerous options available all over Australia and especially in Baulkham Hills but the one that stands head and shoulders above the rest is Integrity Cosmetic Dental and they have website here:

Question is, why Integrity Cosmetic Dental, Baulkham Hills? Well, for one, they use software that enables you see what your post-procedure teeth will look like. No more trial and errors! You know what the results will look like, the dentist will talk to you about the procedure and of course, the fees.

All the dentists working at Integrity Cosmetic Dental, Baulkham Hills, are hugely qualified with years of experience. Even the junior dentists there are qualified but work under active supervision of their seniors. Their whole approach is to get it right the first time never mind the time and effort that goes into planning the procedure.

Each and every dentistry procedure carried out at the Integrity Cosmetic Dental, Baulkham Hills is tailored to the individual. So when you visit them for the first time, be sure to talk and tell the consultant dentist about your exact needs and what you aim, what you think you will receive after the procedure. It is vital the dentist understand your requirement. It is equally vital you pay attention to what the dentist says is possible and not possible so you are not under some misunderstood impression.

Some of the services available at Integrity General Dentists, Baulkham Hills include:

Inlays and Onlays:
Also called “indirect filling”. An Inlay or onlay is a procedure done when a tooth has some decay or there is not enough tooth structure to support a filling. This procedure is aimed at providing support to strengthen your teeth and also restore shape of adjacent teeth and avoid further deterioration.

Composite Bonding:
Is a relatively simple procedure in which your dentist will drills out and clean out any tooth decay and then apply a composite onto the tooth's surface. Next, he will shape the composite into the perfect shape for that particular tooth before curing it with a high-intensity light. Naturally, how perfectly this is done will depend on the experience of the dentist which is why Integrity Cosmetic Dental. Baulkham Hills is the ideal place for Cheap Dental Implants and other procedures done.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

What Is The Difference Between General Dentistry And Preventive Dentistry?

Preventative Dentistry

Dentistry is the evaluation, diagnosis and the treatment of oral diseases. General dentistry involves the primary or the basic dental care for people of all ages. Preventive dentistry on the other hand aims to prevent gum diseases, tooth decay and other oral heath issues by taking appropriate measures so that emergency or extensive oral care is not required in the future.

A majority of dentists are general dentists, who along with diagnosis and treatment also assess the impact of dental conditions on the overall health of the patient. Dental diseases, if not treated in time can have a serious effect on our body; it can lead to infection, loss of teeth and damage to the nerves and bones.

A general dentist performs many dental procedures and provides different services. Dental fillings, crowns and bridges, dental implants, root canal procedures, cleaning and bonding are some of the common services offered by dentists. General dentists also perform oral surgery, restorative treatments and take care of gum diseases. Preventive dentistry is also a major part of their service along with counselling on issues of oral care that may affect your overall health.

While general dentistry involves the treatment of a presently occurring oral problem, preventive dentistry aims to gauge the health condition of your teeth and ascertain the course of action to prevent gum diseases in future. For example, X-rays may be needed to see the extent of the tooth decay and treatments suggested accordingly to prevent further damage.

Preventive dentistry involves a complete check-up of your teeth to determine decay or cavities. It is recommended that such an examination may be done every six months to prevent dental issues that may arise in future. Professional cleaning of the teeth is also a part of preventive dentistry; here your dentist will remove the plaque or tartar build-up to prevent gum disease and deterioration of the teeth.

Home care plays an important role in preventing future oral problems. You must maintain oral hygiene with proper brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. Using a fluoride toothpaste prevents dental cavities and your dentist may recommend it as a part of Professional General Dentistry services.

Dentists at Integrity Dental have been providing specialist dental care for more than three decades to the people in Australia. Their services include general dentistry procedures, preventive dentistry, restorative as well as cosmetic dentistry. The clinic also offers tongue tie and Lip Tie Release along with other oral treatments.

Employing the latest advanced dentistry techniques and using state-of-the-art equipment, the specialists at Integrity Dental ensure that you get the best of oral care that you could hope for. To book an appointment visit their website at

Thursday 3 August 2017

Professional General Dentistry Is The Best Approach For A Healthy Mouth And A Healthy Body

Professional General Dentistry

It is said that the mouth is the window to our overall health. Why? Because the state of our oral health provides clues to the state of our general health. For example, according to research, mouth lesions may signify the onset of diabetes. Periodontal disease as we know can cause loss of teeth. However, periodontal disease is also linked to cardiovascular disease, stroke and other serious health problems.

As such it follows that oral heath is essential to our general well being. A healthy mouth is not only necessary for the nutrition of the body, it also enhances our feeling of well-being and our self-esteem. Let's face it – a healthy set of teeth makes us feel good about ourselves. We smile more often and generally have a positive attitude towards life.

Imagine if we are constantly battling oral health issues like gum disease or tooth decay, it is bound to take its toll on our general health. The best approach to a healthy life is to take good care of our oral health and hygiene. Before opting for professional general dentistry services, it is important to start with personal oral hygiene.

Oral health care starts with you, at home – make sure that you take good care of your mouth. That means brushing at least two times a day with a fluoride based toothpaste and flossing or cleaning between the teeth at least once a day. Mouth rinses also help in maintaining oral hygiene and a fluoride based toothpaste helps to prevent cavities.

General dentistry recommends that you visit your dentist at least once every six months. This gives your dentist a chance to find potential oral health issues and suggest remedial action before the problem gets out of hand. Accumulation of plaque is a common enough problem that many of us face. Professional cleaning of your teeth is essential to get rid of the plaque build-up. Ideally, this should also be done every six months.

Professional general dentistry is the best approach to a healthy mouth and a healthy body. Professional Dentist Dural procedures involve periodic examination of the oral cavity, prevention of tooth decay, restoration of damaged teeth with the help of fillings, crowns, bridges and inlays. It also involves making all efforts to prevent gum disease by taking due care of your teeth and treating the disease quickly before it becomes a major dental problem.

Integrity Dental has been providing specialised dental care to patients in Australia for more than thirty years. They offer general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, CEREC Dentists and other procedures to improve your oral health. Restorative fillings, treatment of decayed teeth, cavities and other oral problems are handled by specialists who have years of experience in the field. With the use of advanced dentistry techniques and equipment, the specialist doctors at Integrity Dental aim to provide a comfortable and painless experience to patients. Visit to book an appointment today.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Effective And Affordable General Dentistry

General Dentistry

General dentistry involves dental procedures and treatment to keep the patient healthy throughout life. As we age, our teeth become weak and are easily susceptible to decay and breakage. Effective and affordable general dentistry treatments aim to restore your oral health and enjoy an attractive smile. Modern dentistry procedures along with the use of latest techniques and state-of-the-art equipment allow your dentist to provide proactive treatment that is no longer painful or uncomfortable.

Ascertaining the correct diagnosis followed by appropriate dental treatments are the basis for effective general dentistry. Dental clinics like Integrity Dental in Australia aim to provide the best quality, professional treatment at affordable rates, which promotes oral health and makes you confidant about your smile.

Decayed or damaged teeth can lead to problems like sensitivity and gum disease. Besides, you may also have problems chewing the food with a broken tooth. In such instances, tooth coloured restorative fillings reconstruct the damaged teeth. In some cases, dental implants may be necessary to restore your oral health.

Prevention is better than cure; as far as your teeth are concerned, it is better to visit your dentist at least once in six months for a complete check up. Your dentist will conduct an oral examination to rule out any gum disease or tooth decay. The dentist will recommend dental treatments like fillings or crowns to take care of damaged or decayed teeth.

Eruption of wisdom teeth sometimes give trouble to the patient. These are the last set of molars to erupt between 17 to 25 years of age. As a result, sometimes there may be pain in the jaws or bleeding due to the pressure of the erupting teeth right at the end of the jaw bone. Painful cysts may form in the immediate area leading to pain and discomfort.

In such cases, your dentist may advise extraction of the problematic wisdom tooth which is a procedure done under local anaesthesia. Treatment or extraction of wisdom teeth falls under the purview of general dentistry and is an affordable treatment at Professional General Dentistry. The qualified dentists use the latest techniques so that the procedure is easy and relatively pain free. There is also a follow-up so that the doctors know you are healing nicely with no complications.

Integrity Dental is committed to provide you with the highest level of service and care whether it is in general dentistry treatments, preventive oral care, CEREC Dental , tongue-tie and lip tie release or cosmetic dentistry. In order to make dental care affordable to patients Integrity Dental has come out with a flexible payment plan and Medicare coverage for selected treatments. Visit to book an appointment or give a call at Baulkham or Dural clinics for more information.